Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 21 and the detox is back

Hello! Long time no talk!

I decided to skip a few days of posting just because I didn't have anything interesting to say. No weight loss, no weird symptoms, just... a whole bunch of juice. It's actually been super easy the past few days. I flew back to Denver yesterday, and I have been in uber-stress mode ever since. When I got back to my apartment, I realized I left my keys in New Jersey, so I went through a huge fiasco trying to get into my apartment. I hardly drank any green juice (just 1 liter), so that probably wasn't a good thing.

When I woke up this morning, I looked disgusting. My skin was completely broken out, I my stomach was HUGE, and my lips and tunge felt like they were on fire. I realized that this could partly be because I have not done an enema in about 3 days, which is a really bad idea!! So for the next week, it's going to be daily enemas for me. I am not breaking my fast until I have completely cleared up. I don't care if I have to go to San Diego on my fast if that's what I need to do. I am completely committed to doing what is best for my body, and I'll do whatever it takes.

Just for anyone who is keeping track, after 3 weeks of juicing I've lost approximately 7~8 pounds. I started somewhere around 145 (I don't have a scale but I weighed myself a few months ago, and that's what I weighed). And yesterday when I weighed myself, I was 137.8.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 19- Last day in NJ

Hello fellow juicers :)

Well today is my last day home in new jersey. I will miss my time spent with my family, but I think I'm ready to go back to Denver and start my journey again. I am looking forward to juicing while I'm at home alone (not to mention that I have a few friends in Denver that are really into juicing right now! yay!)

I did weigh myself the morning, and I weigh 137.8. I am slightly disappointed with this number, not going to lie. I only lost 2.2 pounds in the whole 9 days that I spent at home. I know that I am experiencing so many other amazing benefits from the fast, but I was really hoping to be under 135 by the time I left new jersey. I know that it is inevitable to gain some weight back after a fast (just from the water weigh alone), and I was really hoping to be able to stabilize my weight under 135. But hey I've got another 10 days so we'll see what happens! I think I know why I am having such an awful plateau right now, though. Every time I have ever tried to go on an extreme "diet" and lose a whole bunch of weight, I've NEVER dropped lower than 138 lbs. I would be stuck there for weeks, and then I would just give up on the diet and then gain a bunch of weight back. I've heard people say that breaking through these types of plateaus are extremely hard. But I am not letting my weight get to me. I look amazing and that's what matters!

I think I will definitely do another long juice fast in the summer. I really wish that I could have been doing this one in warmer weather so that I could have spent more time out in the sun and in my garden. After my fast, I plan on fasting once a week every week. Many people recommend doing this as a normal supplement to a healthy diet to keep your digestion flowing and energy high.

I am looking forward to getting back to my bikram yoga too! It has been almost 15 days without a hot yoga session. Last time I tried taking a class during the fast I got really light headed, so hopefully I will fair better this time.

I don't remember if I already mentioned this, but I have decided to slowly break my fast on day 28 rather than 30 due to my traveling. But I will spend 4 whole days starting on the 28th day consuming only juice, green smoothies, and soft fruits (like figs and plums). Then after those 4 days I will slowly add more fibrous fruits and veggies into my diet in the form of salads, nuts, dates, etc. I also might make some soups during the 4 days. I haven't decided yet whether to be 100% raw after the fast or not. I was 100% high carb raw vegan for about 2 months in the fall, and then about 80% raw for the last 2 months. I don't really know which I liked better. I don't want my diet to be an obsession anymore. Some people are so obsessed with keeping their diet completely raw. I totally understand their reasoning for it (it is much easier to stick with a diet if you commit 100%). But from a nutritional aspect, I feel like if I have a warm soup or steamed veggies a few days a week that I will not be any worse off, infact it might even be healthier than the way I was eating when I was completely raw. So, we shall see. In my opinion, as long as you are atleast 80% raw and eating extremely healthy, unprocessed, organic foods, then there is nothing better you could do for yourself. Just love your body and it will love you back :)

Check out this interesting article on intermittent fasting

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 17

Hi All!

Well I am just chugging along, aren't I? I love how smoothly the days are flowing along at this point. And I'm only 3 days away from the big 2-0. Superrrr awesome!

So I changed things up a tinyyy bit today. I went grocery shopping in the morning, and GT Synergy's Passionfruit Kombucha was calling to me. Many people swear by drinking kombucha during a juice fast. I personally stopped drinking kombucha when I went raw, however that does not mean that I don't appreciate kombucha for the healing affects that it possesses  My body was just craving the drink, so I listened to it. And it was heavenly! It was the best present anyone could have given to my taste buds. I don't really know what sort of effect it had on me. I am writing this post 24 hours after drinking it and I don't feel worse for doing so, so I'm going to say that it was OK. I might have some more today, though I do not plan on drinking it every day (just as a small treat while I am still visiting my family). Another things that I did (that I also do not recommend doing other than for a small treat) was I took some sparkling water and added it to my fruit juice. Oh man, this tasted like the most delicious soda I've ever tasted. But just remember your intentions for your juice fast- it is not to have treats or to drink things that are bottled and unpure, but rather it is to nourish your body with the purest and freshest fruits and vegetables in your possession.

My mom was baking cookies allll day today. I think this is why I let myself have the small treat, just because it was so unbearable seeing and smelling all of those cookies. The nice thing about being vegan is that I know that I would NEVER put a non-vegan cookie in my mouth, so really it is not even a temptation to me.

I am very happy with the results I am noticing at this point. When I woke up this morning, my skin was SO beautifully soft and radiant. It just really stuck out to me as having improved over the past few weeks. I also love how baggy my clothes are. Right now I'm wearing a pair of jeans that I definitely could not squeeze myself into a few months ago, and now they are baggy on me and I love it :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day 16- Christmas

Merry Christmas all :)

Well I had a weird morning. I woke up feeling ok, but then I immediately got really grumpy. I weighed myself only to find that my weight loss has come to a standstill in the past 3 days. This is kind of a bummer, but it serves me right for weighing myself. It is a very addictive habit, because who wouldn't want to know whether or not they have lost weight. But really it is an unhealthy habit. It's so important to remember that weight does not matter- health matters. If you are healthy, then the weight will sort itself out. Fasting is not a quick fix for weight loss. It is, however, a quick fix for health, and at the end of the day that is what's most important. Not to mention that even though I've stopped losing weight, I still weigh 138 lbs and that's the thinnest I've EVER been since I was 16.

So this year I really tried to push non-commercialism on my family for the holidays. We had a very small and nice christmas. We got my dad an awesome omega juicer (the same brand I have, expect it's the super delux version). And my mom got me an insanely awesome healing gemstone necklace. I didn't even realize a person could spend over $300 on a healing necklace! So apparently this thing is super legit, and I'm so grateful that she bought it for me.

My family is off to my aunt's house for Christmas dinner, which I decided to opt out of. It will be very nice to have a few hours to myself so that I can practice my yoga and do some meditation. I haven't had a quiet day for a while so this will be a very nice christmas present to me :)

And here's a shot of my dad with his new juicer!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Day 15- Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve everyone :)

Oyyyyy today was a doosey. Well this is the first holiday EVER that I have not been able to eat anything. Not even snack on the fruit plate for an appetizer. It was utter TORTURE. But I made it through! I feel extremely accomplished for having made it through the day with my head held (somewhat) high. I definitely had my moments today that I just felt like crumbling and breaking down and crying. I was craving food SO badly. Today was definitely the worst day of the 15 days thus far. I decided to opt out of Christmas dinner at my aunt's tomorrow night, so Christmas should be a non-issue (hopefully).

The important thing here is to remember why I'm doing this.

  • To break my addictive habbits towards food
  • To bring myself peace, joy and abundance in my life
  • To lose weight and feel comfortable and healthy in my body

I am definitely making HUGE strides in all of these fields, but I also know that I am not where I need to be yet. These are the reasons why:

  • Tonight proved that I am still addicted to food. All I wanted to do was stuff cookies in my mouth all day and I could not get food out of my head
  • Today I also realized that I need to work on keeping myself centered and balanced in hard times. It is easy to talk about being present when everything is good- but it's a totally different beast when things are bad.
  • I am still not comfortable with my weight. I know that I am not a very healthy weight, but I still feel like I have extra pounds around my belly and I will not be completely comfortable until those are gone. I love myself and my body, and this is not meant to be self-defeating. I just know that I can make my body healthier, and that is what I plan to do.

Today I really doubted whether or not I'd be able to do another 15 days of this. But after I came home and made myself a small cup of pomegranate grapefruit juice I think I reassured myself a bit. I really think that I will reach my goals if I go for another 15 days. I plan on manifesting this with all my heart. :)

Peace and blessings to everyone! Love all of your faces!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day 14 - Before and after

Hello everyone!

I'm half way thereeee! Well, by the end of the way I am :). I couldn't resist weighing myself this norming, and I weighed 138.6! I'm about 5 pounds away from what I'd be sooo happy to weigh, so we shall see if I can get there in the next 2 weeks (although I guess I won't have any way of knowing... oh well.)

I thought I'd take a picture of myself this morning too. I don't really have a good before picture. I took a picture a month ago when I was starting a different fast, so I will just use that one to compare myself with.

So it's kind of hard to see a difference. In the first picture I probably weighed around 147, and in the second one I'm 138. The big thing is that my skin is so much tighter and glowing, and I just feel awesome in my skin.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Day 12-13: Wedding Fasting and Groceries

Happy Winter Solstice!

Today was a big day! Not only was it the winter solstice which made things crazy, but it was also my cousin's wedding. Let me tell you- it is not easy fasting at a wedding! Thankfully almost none of the food at the wedding was vegan, which made it completely unappetizing, but still it is very hard to not eat anything while everyone around you is stuffing their face with food. But I made it!! And now it is day 13 and all is good :).

Oh! And I weighed myself yesterday, and I weigh 139 lbs! This is a pretty big deal for me, since I have never weighed less than 140 lbs even at my slimmest. I've decided not to weigh myself again until the day before I leave new jersey. I don't own a scale at my home in Denver, so I want to see where I am at before I leave and don't have a chance to weigh myself again.

Also a note about food prices. I now understand why my parents never buy organic- it's like 3 times as expensive as it is where I live!! I guess people think eating fruits and veggies are such a luxury in certain parts of America that they make organic produce super expensive, since no one actually bothers to buy them.

These are all the groceries I bought this morning, only half of it is organic, and I spent $55! Craziness.

Lots of oranges (mix organic and not), 2 pineapples, 5 grapefruits (mix organic and not), 1 bag organic apples, organic herbs, lettuce, cucumbers

After reading over this I realized that some of the things I bought organic they didn't actually charge me the organic price (the grapefruit and the cucumber). Just imagine how expensive it would have been then!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day 10- Travel Day

Hello everyone!

The past 24 hours have been CRAZY! I spent all day yesterday calling some huge names in the raw food world for the Raw Living Expo in Sedona this February (Kristina Bucaram and Dan McDonald, to name a few ;-)  ). And then, at the very last minute, I decided I wanted to go home to see my family today.

Wellll it was snowing pretty hard this morning and it was terrifying getting to the airport, but I made it! and the plane was only 30 minutes delayed. Overall, a good travel day. Not so much so for juicing, though. I woke up at 5 AM and drank a liter of orange juice and half a liter of green juice before I left. I brought a liter with me, but unfortunately I left the juice next to the heater in my car and it got really warm... so I couldn't drink it :(. While I was at the airport I found a jamba juice, but then I realized that everything they make is actually a smoothie and not actually juice!! How deceiving! But I was able to get a small orange juice.

I landed in Jersey around 7 and got home at 8. As soon as I got home, I made a smoothie out of:


and mmmmmmm was it tasty!! I'm drinking my reishi ormus tea right now, and I'll be heading to bed fairly soon. Altogether a successful day, wish me luck for my next 10 days juicing while living with a family of non-fruit eaters! :P

~Namaste ~

the puppies at home waiting for me to arrive! <3

Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 8

Woohoo! Done with the first day of week 2 :)

Today was a very interesting day. First of all- I am doing some serious detoxing at the moment. How do I know this? Well, I do not smell too pretty, my hair started falling out at a faster rate then ever before, and my acne got wayyy worse than it was a few days ago. It is definitely uncomfortable being in the state, but you've just gotta ride out the bad to get to the good. Just think of it like peeling the onion... ever week you stay on a juice fast for is another layer of toxins, deal cells, chemicals, and yuck that you are removing.

So I have been doing a lot of work for the raw living food expo this weekend, and today I started work around 8 and didn't stop to take a break till, oh, maybe 4 in the afternoon. During this time all I had to drink was a liter of orange pomegranate juice and a half liter of green juice. But then I wasn't even thirsty to drink anything else! I force myself to drink another liter of orange juice just because it was the only thing I could drink. I totally realize that only having 1/2 a liter of green juice is not enough, but it was the best I could do today. Tomorrow I am going to try to have 3 liters of green juice and just 1 liter of fruit (maybe not even that much). I just really hope that this does not negatively affect my composure and my ability to stay fasting! We shall see in the morning...

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Why do a juice feast?

Hello juicy followers!

I just realized this morning that I never really talked about WHY in the WORLD someone would be crazy enough to give up food for 30 (or more) days. Some of my friends have been giving me a pretty hard time about it, saying that I am starving myself or that I am harming my body. In reality though, I am doing the exact opposite. Think for a second about how many veggies you eat in one day. Maybe a nice big salad, and some small amount of greens scattered throughout the day, if you are a healthy person. Now take a look at how many greens I eat in juice one quart of juice (keep in mind I normally have 2-3 quarts of pure green juice and another quart of fruit juice):

So basically, I am packing my body to the brim with nutrients! But now you might ask, why do I have to juice it? Why not just EAT all the greens? Well for one... can you image how hard that would be to eat all of that?? But that's really not the real reason... the real reason is that why we digest food, it takes ALOT of energy. But when we only drink our nutrients, the body has nothing at all to digest, so it can but 100% of its energy into healing and detoxifying. Now of course this is not something that you can sustain forever- no one wants you to do that. Fasting (or feasting) is merely a means of detoxifying one's body in order to feel lighter, cleaner, and like a new you!

Fasting is also extremely spiritual. Every time you eat food, it is like you are dampening your inner fire, because you become weighed down and your body has lost some of its energy. I know that many nutritionists say eat 5-6 times a day... but this is actually very counterintuitive. Yes, it might work as a means of dieting, but if you are seeking to just be a healthier, more high vibrational person, then you should aim to idealy eat 2-3 huge meals of fresh fruits and vegetables a day. What this does is lessens the amount of time your body spends digesting food so that it has more energy to put into YOU!

Phew... that was a long rant! I really hope that it helped some of you better understand what fasting is all about, and why it is not just a fad diet

Also, I am considering doing a video blog about fasting. I am super shy though so this is going to take a lot of work for me to build myself up to a video. But maybe it will happen :)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 6

Hello everyone!!

Man am I in high spirits tonight. I can't believe that after tomorrow it will have been a full week of juicing!!! I've gotta say- this week was incredibly easy! I mean, I definitely get my share of food cravings every once in a while, but it's nothing I can't manage. I think that what made this week so easy for me was not having leave my house at all. I think I left my house a total of 5 times in the past week :). I can only imagine how much harder fasting would be if I had to be out in the real world.

I think that once you really commit yourself to a fast, it becomes very simple. There really is no temptation, because you know that you will NOT let yourself put food in your mouth- it is not even an option. I find it easier to be fasting than to be just eating my raw food diet- because on a raw food diet then you could easily talk yourself into eating 5 avocados or loads of nuts and oil, and that's just no good! But on a juice fast, you can have all the juice you want, and that's that.

Today I decided I'd like to try to extend my fast to at least 30 days. This is going to be REALLY hard while I am at home visiting my family for christmas. Thankfully, we are buying my dad an Omega juicer for christmas, so I will be able to make the same quality of juice there than I am making here :). But I think if I am able to make it through my trip home then I will be set. I am really excited to see the person that will emerge on the other side of 30 days (or 14, or 60, or however long it is!). I am really anticipating a completely different person. But I do need to be putting a bit more work into it, because I have been slacking a bit the past day or two.

These are things I need to spend more time doing:

  • Breathing exercises
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Studying for my prelims (completely unrelated to fasting :P)
  • manifesting
  • relaxing
I think I will start leaving sticky notes around my house to remind myself to do these things. Does anyone else do that?? 

By the way, I have spent all day watching Matt and Veronica's 100 day juice feasting videos on youtube. You should check them out- they are very informative!

Ok, I'm off to go read Osho and get another 10 hours of sleep. Nighty night juicy followers!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 5


Sorry about missing a day. Wasn't really feeling like writing yesterday. I guess yesterday was my "hump" day. Every fast always has a hump day- the day that you crave food so badly and don't think you'll be able to keep it up. But as long as you can will yourself past that day, it's smooth sailing from there on :). Today was a FANTASTIC day! I was in super high spirits the entire day. I drank a whole bunch of green juice- 1 quart of beet-carrot-chard-lemon juice and a quart and a half of lemon ginger blast. I also had a quart of my orange grapefruit pomegranate juice for dinner.

I decided to go to Nooch Vegan Market for a show tonight, which ended up being wayyy awesome, except not so awesome from a juicing standpoint. Being in a delicious smelling vegan grocery store is like committing suicide on a juice fast!! But don't worry, I stood strong and carried on. It didn't help me that the person standing next to me was eating this AMAZING smelling vegan chicken wrap that I just wanted to devour. I just kept thinking to myself "It's a good thing I am not eating food right now, because I would have to buy 3 of those wraps to satiate myself right now!" But all is good. The day is over, and I made it another day with just juice in my belly. Just two days away from my half way point! 14 days is starting to seem doable! I am hoping that I don't hit a speed bump along the way and start craving food. But if I am able to maintain the way that I've felt today then I know I can do it!! 9 more days! :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day 3

Good evening all!

So it has been said that day 3 is the hardest day on a juice fast. I sure hope that is true! Today really was not that bad though, and I'm feeling really awesome about the whole process!

Last night I had a really trippy, spiritual dream, and that kind of set the mood for the rest of the day. Today was extremely quiet and meditative (unfortunately meaning that I did not get ANY work done-but that's ok). I woke up around 10:00 again, spent a few hours relaxing and making my 2 morning juices, and just chilled and watched some videos. I took a nice long walk outside today because the weather was awesome. It is also super important to get a lot of sunlight on a juice fast! I spent about 20 minutes just sitting in my school's courtyard soaking in the sun; it was fantastic! Then at about 4:00 I made my lemon ginger blast and my homemade V8 juice that I saved for after yoga. I went to a savasana workshop at corepower yoga (which was AMAZING and super calming. I also bought an awesome pair of yoga pants on sale which made my day even better!) That hour after yoga was probably the hardest part of the whole day for me. I was SUPER hungry! So I came home, drank my V8 and also made about 2 cups worth of grapefruit juice to combat the hunger. I don't really know if that was a good idea or not to make fruit juice so late- but I really felt like I needed it to get myself through the night.

V8 Juice Recipe
5-6 Tomatoes (or more depending on how you like the taste)
half a bunch of kale
a handful of spinach
a bunch of parsley
5-6 carrots
1 beet (optional for added sweetness)
small sliver of habanero pepper (optional for spice)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 2

Hello juicy followers!

Day two was pretty awesome, I must say. So I did a yoga sculpt class yesterday, and as a result I had an awful time sleeping last night because every time I tried to roll over I had to wake up and manually move my body because my muscles were so sore! Don't you hate that? (But love it at the same time because the pain feels so gooood :P). Anyway, I ended up sleeping for 11 hours last night and woke up around 10:00. I then spent the next 3 hours making my juices and watching some television (which I normally try to avoid, but I was feeling super tired this morning so I gave in to it).

Around 3:00 I set out for my day, did some studying at Pablo's Coffee, went to a Hot Yoga 2 class at core power, bought $40 worth of celery, cucumbers, and apples at Natural Grocers, and then got paid $150 to sit around for 2 hours and talk about sporting goods! So it was a super awesome day. But I realize the reason that you are reading this now is to find out what I drank today, so without further ado:

Juice Recipes!

So today I had 4 quarts of juice.

Quart 1: 11:00 AM
2 Apples
3 stalks of celery
1 cucumber
1 small head of romaine
1 inch of ginger
1 lemon
(can add more greens if it doesn't make a full quart)

Quart 2: 12:00
5 oranges
2 grapefruits
2 tangerines
1 pomegranate
1/4 pineapple

Quart 3: 3:30
Lemon Ginger Blast
2 apples
bunch of cilantro
bunch of parsley
bunch of arugala
1/3 habenero pepper (you can put half in, but it will be REALLY spicy! ;-) )
1 inch ginger

Quart 4: 6:30
Lemon Ginger Blast again

Jenna's Juicing Hints

There are a few things that EVERYONE should know before starting a juicing fast. These are facts that I have gathered from extremely knowledgable people in the field. Please take note:

  • Don't forget about celery. Celery is important because your body needs a small amount of natural sodium every day, and celery happens to be high in sodium! Make sure that you are using atleast one head of celery a day.
  • Make sure your food is ALIVE and go organic!! Ok people, this is a HUGE one. The whole reason why we fast is to give ourselves more energy and to detoxify our body. I'm not saying that if you do a juice fast with pesticide-ridden produce that it will be a failure. But if you are going to invest the time, money, and effort into doing a fast- please do it right!
  • Only juice what you plan on drinking RIGHT NOW. Once we juice a plant, the life that was inside the plant dies. It is OPTIMAL to drink juice within a few hours of juicing (ideally, you would juice it and then chug it right down!) However, obviously this does not work into everyone's schedule. If you do have to wait several hours before drinking juice, make sure that you keep it sealed and in a chilled enviroment. I always store my juice in a mason jar and carry it around in my insulated lunch box with a freezer pack inside it, so that way it is cold when I decide to drink it :). 
  • Don't drink juice that you buy at the store. This one is obvious.
  • More green juice than fruit juice. A bit of fruit juice is OK. If is was up to me, I'd be drinking my orange juice all day! However this is not what the body needs. The body needs those nutrient rich green juices to keep it from getting hungry.
  • As SOON as you feel a hunger pang, CHUG GREEN JUICE!!!!! I swear, the hunger will melt away. A quart of green juice will keep you going for 2-3 hours.

That's all I can think of at the moment. One great person to check out on youtube is Dan McDonald, aka the LifeRegenerator. This man is the most well informed, knowledgable man in the field when it comes to juicing. I give him two thumbs up!!

Ok, that's all I've got for today. Feel free to leave comments with any questions you have! I am happy to help :)

Peace and Love! 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Day 1

Hello all of my juicy followers!

Today marks day 1 of not only a 14 day juice fast, but also a bit of a spiritual awakening, if you will (I will explain that more later).

So let me tell you a bit about what led me to this extreme decision. As most of my friends already know, I have been following a high carb/ high raw vegan lifestyle since August. It has really changed my life in so many ways, both physically and mentally. I have definitely been struggling with it over the past month though, and the past two days have just been really awful for me. I've been just juicing my breakfast and lunch for about 2 weeks, and then I would have a big meal of steamed vegetables and potatoes for dinner. However the past two days when I tried to eat my dinner I got really sick, so I decided this morning that my body is trying to tell me something- and I think it is trying to tell me that I need to fast!

One of the main reasons I started my high carb vegan lifestyle was to lose weight. Unfortunately, that hasn't really happened yet for me. I know that a lot of people lose tons of weight the first few weeks of going completely raw, and they are extremely lucky! I've always been about 15-20 pounds heavier than I would like to be, and I have never, NEVER been able to lose any of it (and trust me I've tried every trick in the book). But one of the things that going raw has taught me is that I have to be patient with myself and love my body. I now have complete faith that as long as I am putting completely organic fruits and vegetables into my system, that eventually my body will find it's healthy weight. The hard part is realizing that this may take months, or it may take years. But as long as we love our bodies during whatever phase they are in, that is really all that matters! :)

Another thing I wanted to talk about is the spiritual side of my fast. I have never really been a spiritual person, and I have definitely never been a religious person (nor do I ever plan on being one). But I must say, once I started changing my diet, a snow-ball effect took place and all of these amazing things started happening in my life! I stopped running and started practicing yoga twice a day every day. I started meditating. I met someone who is now a very important part of my life and who has helped me become a more spiritual person. It's just all really amazing. At this point in my life, I am so excited to just sit back and enjoy the ride!

So, about spirituality... during the fast I will also be taking a tea that my special friend recommended for me. It is called "Three Immortals" and it is a combination of Reishi, Ormus, and Shilajit. This tea is going to help me open up my crown chakra and become more connected with my higher self. I don't want to get too in depth about this stuff here (partially because I don't know too much about it myself), but if you want more information about the product, you can find it here. I have been told from a very reliable source that this is the best place to buy herbs of this nature, so I strongly recommend anyone that is interested in purchasing herbs to do so from this site!

Ok well that's all I've got for now- I'm off to go make some juice! Tomorrow I will post some recipes and give you all information on how you can all do your own mini juice fast!!

Love and peace be with you all! <3