Man am I in high spirits tonight. I can't believe that after tomorrow it will have been a full week of juicing!!! I've gotta say- this week was incredibly easy! I mean, I definitely get my share of food cravings every once in a while, but it's nothing I can't manage. I think that what made this week so easy for me was not having leave my house at all. I think I left my house a total of 5 times in the past week :). I can only imagine how much harder fasting would be if I had to be out in the real world.
I think that once you really commit yourself to a fast, it becomes very simple. There really is no temptation, because you know that you will NOT let yourself put food in your mouth- it is not even an option. I find it easier to be fasting than to be just eating my raw food diet- because on a raw food diet then you could easily talk yourself into eating 5 avocados or loads of nuts and oil, and that's just no good! But on a juice fast, you can have all the juice you want, and that's that.
Today I decided I'd like to try to extend my fast to at least 30 days. This is going to be REALLY hard while I am at home visiting my family for christmas. Thankfully, we are buying my dad an Omega juicer for christmas, so I will be able to make the same quality of juice there than I am making here :). But I think if I am able to make it through my trip home then I will be set. I am really excited to see the person that will emerge on the other side of 30 days (or 14, or 60, or however long it is!). I am really anticipating a completely different person. But I do need to be putting a bit more work into it, because I have been slacking a bit the past day or two.
These are things I need to spend more time doing:
- Breathing exercises
- Yoga
- Meditation
- Studying for my prelims (completely unrelated to fasting :P)
- manifesting
- relaxing
I think I will start leaving sticky notes around my house to remind myself to do these things. Does anyone else do that??
By the way, I have spent all day watching Matt and Veronica's 100 day juice feasting videos on youtube. You should check them out- they are very informative!
Ok, I'm off to go read Osho and get another 10 hours of sleep. Nighty night juicy followers!
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