Merry Christmas all :)
Well I had a weird morning. I woke up feeling ok, but then I immediately got really grumpy. I weighed myself only to find that my weight loss has come to a standstill in the past 3 days. This is kind of a bummer, but it serves me right for weighing myself. It is a very addictive habit, because who wouldn't want to know whether or not they have lost weight. But really it is an unhealthy habit. It's so important to remember that weight does not matter- health matters. If you are healthy, then the weight will sort itself out. Fasting is not a quick fix for weight loss. It is, however, a quick fix for health, and at the end of the day that is what's most important. Not to mention that even though I've stopped losing weight, I still weigh 138 lbs and that's the thinnest I've EVER been since I was 16.
So this year I really tried to push non-commercialism on my family for the holidays. We had a very small and nice christmas. We got my dad an awesome omega juicer (the same brand I have, expect it's the super delux version). And my mom got me an insanely awesome healing gemstone necklace. I didn't even realize a person could spend over $300 on a healing necklace! So apparently this thing is super legit, and I'm so grateful that she bought it for me.
My family is off to my aunt's house for Christmas dinner, which I decided to opt out of. It will be very nice to have a few hours to myself so that I can practice my yoga and do some meditation. I haven't had a quiet day for a while so this will be a very nice christmas present to me :)
And here's a shot of my dad with his new juicer!
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