Saturday, December 22, 2012

Day 12-13: Wedding Fasting and Groceries

Happy Winter Solstice!

Today was a big day! Not only was it the winter solstice which made things crazy, but it was also my cousin's wedding. Let me tell you- it is not easy fasting at a wedding! Thankfully almost none of the food at the wedding was vegan, which made it completely unappetizing, but still it is very hard to not eat anything while everyone around you is stuffing their face with food. But I made it!! And now it is day 13 and all is good :).

Oh! And I weighed myself yesterday, and I weigh 139 lbs! This is a pretty big deal for me, since I have never weighed less than 140 lbs even at my slimmest. I've decided not to weigh myself again until the day before I leave new jersey. I don't own a scale at my home in Denver, so I want to see where I am at before I leave and don't have a chance to weigh myself again.

Also a note about food prices. I now understand why my parents never buy organic- it's like 3 times as expensive as it is where I live!! I guess people think eating fruits and veggies are such a luxury in certain parts of America that they make organic produce super expensive, since no one actually bothers to buy them.

These are all the groceries I bought this morning, only half of it is organic, and I spent $55! Craziness.

Lots of oranges (mix organic and not), 2 pineapples, 5 grapefruits (mix organic and not), 1 bag organic apples, organic herbs, lettuce, cucumbers

After reading over this I realized that some of the things I bought organic they didn't actually charge me the organic price (the grapefruit and the cucumber). Just imagine how expensive it would have been then!

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