Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 8

Woohoo! Done with the first day of week 2 :)

Today was a very interesting day. First of all- I am doing some serious detoxing at the moment. How do I know this? Well, I do not smell too pretty, my hair started falling out at a faster rate then ever before, and my acne got wayyy worse than it was a few days ago. It is definitely uncomfortable being in the state, but you've just gotta ride out the bad to get to the good. Just think of it like peeling the onion... ever week you stay on a juice fast for is another layer of toxins, deal cells, chemicals, and yuck that you are removing.

So I have been doing a lot of work for the raw living food expo this weekend, and today I started work around 8 and didn't stop to take a break till, oh, maybe 4 in the afternoon. During this time all I had to drink was a liter of orange pomegranate juice and a half liter of green juice. But then I wasn't even thirsty to drink anything else! I force myself to drink another liter of orange juice just because it was the only thing I could drink. I totally realize that only having 1/2 a liter of green juice is not enough, but it was the best I could do today. Tomorrow I am going to try to have 3 liters of green juice and just 1 liter of fruit (maybe not even that much). I just really hope that this does not negatively affect my composure and my ability to stay fasting! We shall see in the morning...

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