Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day 14 - Before and after

Hello everyone!

I'm half way thereeee! Well, by the end of the way I am :). I couldn't resist weighing myself this norming, and I weighed 138.6! I'm about 5 pounds away from what I'd be sooo happy to weigh, so we shall see if I can get there in the next 2 weeks (although I guess I won't have any way of knowing... oh well.)

I thought I'd take a picture of myself this morning too. I don't really have a good before picture. I took a picture a month ago when I was starting a different fast, so I will just use that one to compare myself with.

So it's kind of hard to see a difference. In the first picture I probably weighed around 147, and in the second one I'm 138. The big thing is that my skin is so much tighter and glowing, and I just feel awesome in my skin.

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